| Manufacturing Scale-Up: Summary of 14 Relevant Federal Financing Programs Peter Singer, mit washington Office May 27, 2014 Discussed below are 14 federal programs that could potentially address aspects of the problem of financing manufacturing production scale-up faced by small, mid-sized and start-up manufacturers. 1 These programs 52.85 Kb. 1 | read |
| 109a american bar association adopted by the house of delegates february 10, 2014 Bar Association urges federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal governments to enact and implement legislation and policies which prohibit youth from transitioning from foster care to a status of homelessness 114.15 Kb. 1 | read |
| Agricultural Conservation Easements Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation Program Funding for agricultural land conservation easements under the Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation Program 119.73 Kb. 1 | read |
| Agricultural Conservation Easements Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation Program Funding for agricultural land conservation easements under the Sustainable Agricultural Land Conservation Program (salcp) 100.29 Kb. 1 | read |
| California Aviation System Plan 2010 System Needs Assessment Executive Summary Priority 1 or 2 for National Plan of Integrated Airports Systems (npias) airports, or Priority a or b for non-npias airports. Highest priority is generally given to airport projects that address safety 11.59 Kb. 1 | read |
| Partnership healthplan of california Mpcp2017 – Scope of Primary Care Behavioral Health and Indications for Referral Guidelines 64.28 Kb. 1 | read |
| Near-Zero Emission E medium-duty and medium-heavy-duty vehicle owners within the South Coast Air Quality Management District to purchase the lowest-emitting engine technologies commercially available 148.1 Kb. 1 | read |
| Date Revised: March 7, 2011 Timber Harvesting Plans (thps) and other cal fire projects. As of August 1, 2009, the cal fire staff archaeologist assigned to maintain this list is Richard Jenkins. Please direct any information concerning needed revisions to the list to 0.55 Mb. 8 | read |
| Assembly committee on public safety Requires licensed importers and licensed manufacturers to identify each firearm imported or manufactured by using the serial number engraved or cast on the receiver or frame of the weapon 29.08 Kb. 1 | read |
| Association directives Board of Directors, and Association committees. It shall perform its duties consistent with Association policy. It shall recommend any new legislation needed, participate in the development and promotion of beneficial legislation 1.19 Mb. 9 | read |
| Standard Development Report He Advanced Transportation Controller Standard. This title uses a new document identifier “atc 5201” where “atc” reflects its publication by the atc joint Committee and “5201” is a numerical identifier assigned to this standard Report 30.49 Kb. 1 | read |
| Light rail terminology acela Express Japanese Shinkansen, the French tgv, the Spanish ave, and the Chinese crh, Acela shares tracks with commuter and freight trains. However 77.71 Kb. 1 | read |
| Keith M. Casto Managing Partner & General Counsel California’s Air Resources Board. Carbon Venture Partners’ core services include scientific evaluation and testing, emissions quantification, legal consultation, strategic operational advice, regulatory compliance, carbon market services 9.78 Kb. 1 | read |
| Year-Round Walk/Bike Themes and Safety Tips For school newsletter articles End of August or September Studies have shown a significant relationship between fitness and academic achievement. If you live too far from school to walk the whole way, find a spot that is a 5-10 minute walk, and park and walk to school 28.54 Kb. 1 | read |
| Human behavior dr. E. Buchholz To explore the “invisible” rise of African American serial killers, their behavioral characteristics, victims, and myths and facts surrounding these offenders 42.44 Kb. 1 | read |